Report time: 9/16/2024 3:57:07 PM

Player Profile Page

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Kwaovi de Souza

USATT Rating:2187
AGTTA Club Rating: 2366

AGTTA Club Stats

Club Wins - Matches: 61
Club Losses - Matches: 24
League Wins - Matches: 0
League Losses - Matches: 0
Highest Rating: 2436
On: Friday, May 30, 2008
Current Win Streak: 2
Longest Win Streak: 20
On: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Table Wins: 11
Table Wins Rank: 38
Table Wins Per Session: 0.42
AGTTA Join Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002

Personal Information
Name: Kwaovi   de Souza
Home Country: Togo  
Gender: Male

Style Information
Grip: Shakehands
Forehand Rubber Type: Inverted
Backhand Rubber Type: Inverted

Player Description: What can be said about DiDi that hasn't been said before? Well, let's just start off by stating that he makes a living winning most of the Table Tennis tournaments in the South Eastern part of the U.S. He'll beat you with either his left or right hand and he'll smile at you while he's doing it. His current USATT rating of 2435 almost border lines that of a pro rating. Just in case you're curious, he's a solid 2000 lefty. Richard McAfee claims that he has the best backhand in the U.S. I don't think that his opponents would disagree as they stay away from his backhand even at the expense of granting him a free point. He enjoys your donations by any means necessary - be it by coaching or by gracing us with his presence in cash-prize tournaments.

Wanna play me?
Here are the times and places I'm available for play: Anywhere, anytime
Competition Preferences:

Please contact the league manager at Lucky Shoals on League Nights for a "better" snapshot photo or any updates on this page.
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